Saturday, March 16, 2013

AFSA Visits Vets

My husband and I are part of an organization called the Air Force Sergeants Association. The Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) is a federally chartered non-profit organization representing the professional and personal interests of active duty, retired and veteran Total Air Force and their families. For more information on the AFSA here is there site :Air Force Sergeants Association

Every third Saturday of the month, a group of us go to a few of the local retirement homes to visit retired vets who've served our country! We visit Betty DareThe Aristocrat Assisted Living, and Casa Arena Blanca Nursing Center. A lot of these vets don't have any other visitors. They really enjoy seeing the dogs that come with to visit. Today, we brought our dog and TSgt Siers brings his two. The vets really light up and the dogs seem to love it too. More hands to pet them I'm guessing. If you're in the Alamogordo area and would like to join us next time (you don't have to be military to go! If you are military, uniform is encouraged but not required) our next visit is at 9:30am on April 20, at the Betty Dare Center.

The group at Betty Dare!

This is part of the group at Casa Arena Blanca!


  1. Hi Brittany! I'm so glad you were pointed in the direction of my blog. :) It's always nice to connect to other military spouses. I love your blog so far. :)

    1. Thank you so much! Do you have any advice for a newbie? I'd love to hear anything you think might be valuable! Feel free to email me at

  2. Brittany...I know you are just starting out, but I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check it out here....
    I have enjoyed reading your blog. Keep it up!
    Pam @ The Patriotic Pam
